Lashes, lashes, lashes!
Never wear mascara again.
Book now - Enjoy these lash extension full set specials for a limited time!
$89 Classic, $129 Hybrid, $149 Volume, $189 Mega Volume lashes
Valid for all new clients trying any of the above styles for first time. Existing clients add $20 to prices above.

Application of one single synthetic lash extension to one of your own natural lashes. Enhanced and beautiful lashes!

We are happy to offer an introductory special on eyelash extensions for all clients, whether you are a member or not. Once you try them, you may never wear mascara again!
Initial Classic Eyelash Extensions Full Set $225 reg.
First time Classic Lashes $89
Classic Lash Extensions Fill Prices
(Classic new set or fill after 30 days) $225 On special $109
Lash refill (before 7 days) $65 BFF Member price $45
Lash refill (before 14 days) $85 BFF Member price $65
Lash refill (before 21 days) $95 BFF Member price $75
Lash refill (before 30 days) $115 BFF Member price $95
*To qualify for new set special $89 - must be your first set of this type; else $109 on special!
A mix of both Classic singles and Volume lash multi-fan clusters applied to your own natural lash. The result is a soft wispy and yet fuller look. Hybrid lashes includes application and partial styling with new featherweight Russian volume lashes.

HYBRID EYELASH EXTENSIONS, Full set, 90-120 minsh
Hybrid Eyelash Extensions Set $300
First time Hybrid Eyelash Extensions just $129*
(Hybrid new set or fill after 30 days) $300 On special $149
Hybrid Refill (before 7 days) $85 BFF Member price $65
Hybrid Refill (before 14 days) $105 BFF Member price $85
Hybrid Refill (before 21 days) $115 BFF Member price $95
Hybrid Refill (before 30 days) $135 BFF Member price $115
Read about our BFF Savings Program here.
*To qualify for new hybrid set special $129 - must be your first set of this type; else $149 on special.
Multiple lighter weight fine lash fan clusters applied to your own natural lash. The result is the most glamorous full and soft eyelash extensions. Volume lashes includes application and styling with very light fan clusters for a full voluminous look.

VOLUME EYELASH EXTENSIONS, Full set, 90-120 minsh
Volume Eyelash Extensions Set $375
First time Volume set just $149*
(Volume new set or fill after 30 days) $375 On special $169
Volume refill (before 7 days) $95 BFF Member price $75
Volume refill (before 14 days) $115 BFF Member price $95
Volume refill (before 21 days) $125 BFF Member price $105
Volume refill (before 30 days) $145 BFF Member price $125
Read about our no-fee BFF Savings Program here.
*To qualify for new set Volume special $149 - must be your first set of this type; else $169 on special
Multiple lightest weight (.03 to .05 mm) finest, fluffiest divinely made fans applied to your own natural lashes by our most experienced, talented lash artists. The result is the most glamorous fullest and soft eyelash extensions. Mega Volume lashes includes application and styling with featherweight volume lashes. This meticulous Mega Volume Lash extensions process does take more time to apply beautifully and safely to your own individual natural lashes.

Full set, 120 - 150 minsh
Mega Volume Eyelash Extensions Set $450
First time Mega Volume set just $189*
(Mega Volume new set or fill after 30 days) $450 On special $209
Mega Volume refill (before 7 days) $150 BFF Member price $85
Mega Volume refill (before 14 days) $250 BFF Member price $145
Mega Volume refill (before 21 days) $300 BFF Member price $175
Mega Volume fill (before 30 days) $350 BFF Member price $215
Read about our no-fee BFF Savings Program here.
Existing client Mega Volume set after 30 days, on special $209
COLORED LASHES (Few accent colored lashes, various colors available) + $15
Have lots of questions?
See our Eyelash Extensions Frequently Asked Questions FAQ section below or
text/call us!

Lash and Brow Tint. A quick and affordable way to add dramatic appeal to your early morning look is a custom color tint for your lashes and brows and/or a perming of them to keep them in place. Our lash and brow tinting service adds a noticeable presence to your fresh face. It's super easy and safe and will last 4-6 weeks.
Lash Lift (perming) and tint (if your lashes are light colored) is a service that curls your lashes up and that makes them more noticeable. This service is a good alternative if you do not wish to get eyelash extensions. A Lash Lift lasts about 4-6 weeks.
New: Brow Lamination & Henna Brows
Brow Lamination involves the “perming” of your eyebrow hairs to provide a fuller, better shape and helps to maintain the look in place for weeks! Henna Brows are our natural pigment dye that easily tints both your brow hairs and your skin for a fuller more lasting look.
Choose a Combo appointment from below for your best natural lash & brow look that will last 4-6 weeks.
Lash and Brow Service Appointments:
Tinting Lashes, 20 mins $30
Lash Lift (Perming) $90
Tinting Brows, 15 mins $25
Brow Shaping, 20 mins $30
Brow Lamination $85
Combo Lash & Brow Tint $55
Combo Lash & Brow Tint & Brow Shape $85
Combo Lash Lift and Lash Tint $120
Combo Brow Lamination & Brow Shape $115
Combo Brow Lamination, Brow Shape, and Brow Henna $150
Combo Brow Lamination, Brow Shape, and Brow Tint $135
Combo Brow Shape & Henna Brows $115
Upgrade from Brow Tint to Henna Brow $60

EYELASH EXTENSIONS FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions
What are lash extensions / classic full set eyelash extensions exactly?
Eyelash extensions are hair-like synthetic lash strands that are applied to your own individual top eyelashes one at a time. When the application is one single synthetic eyelash to one each of your own natural lashes then this is called the "Classic" lash application. When applied properly and safely, the eyelash extensions full set will look thicker, darker, and longer than your own natural lashes but also very real. Most people will not be able to tell that they are enhanced by eyelash extensions. In addition, you'll be able to forego mascara daily! Nice.
We currently offer a Classic Full Set Eyelash Extensions installation appointment for only $89 on special for the holidays for all clients that are new or returning after 90 days! (For guests returning between 30 - 90 days since last lash appointment, the Classic lash extensions price is on special is $129). Typically, if you are going to keep the lash extensions, then you would get them "filled in" every 2 or 3 weeks is most common, but your lash extensions fill appointment can be any time in the next 30 days. If you get your lash extensions filled any time before 30 days, no matter how many eyelash extensions you need applied during the fill to complete a full eyelash extensions set, then you get the lash "Fill" prices. Otherwise, a new Classic eyelash extensions full set price is currently $129 after 30 days and before 90 days on special currently, or $129 for returning eyelash extensions clients after 90 days, reg. $250
What are Hybrid Lash Extensions full set? Hybrid Eyelash Extensions are the best of both types! For this style of lash extensions we use thicker classic single lash extensions as well as lighter fluffier volume lash clusters all blended together to give you a wispy and full look. The lash extensions clusters we use are extra soft and fluffy, so this gives a fuller lash extension look to those who may not have as many natural lashes as they like or to those who just prefer an extra full lash extensions look. They also tend to last longer.
We offer a full set of Hybrid Eyelash Extensions appointment for only $129 on special for the holidays for guests trying this type of lashes with us for the first time; or if returning guest after 90 days; if you are returning guest after 30 but before 90 days then Hybrid full set of lash extensions on special is $149, reg. $300
What are full set Volume Eyelash Extensions? Volume Lash Extensions are super full and glamorous thick lash extensions. This involves using synthetic silk mink lash extension clusters that are applied to your own natural top lashes. Each synthetic eyelash extension cluster may have from 3, 5, 7 very thin synthetic lash extensions formed into a fan shape and adhered onto your own natural single lash. The eyelash extensions clusters we use are extra soft, lightweight, and fluffy, and we vary them in length so this gives the fullest possible but natural-looking eyelash extensions look to those who may not have as many natural lashes or to those who just prefer extra full volume eyelash extensions design. They also tend to last longer.
We offer Volume Eyelash Extensions initial full set installation appointment for only $149 for guests trying this type of lashes with us for the first time or if a returning guest after 90 days for the Volume full set of Eyelash Extensions. Otherwise, a new Volume Eyelash Extensions full set is $169 for guests returning after 30 days and before 90 days on special, reg. $350
What are Mega Volume Eyelash Extensions? Mega Volume Lash Extensions are the fullest and most glamorous fluffy lashes you can get! We use special eyelash extension clusters that are from 3 - 10D and beyond and they are meticulously formed and applied to your own natural top eyelashes. These mega volume lashes typically last the longest and take the most skill to apply properly, so only our most experienced lash artists are qualified to provide Mega Volume eyelash extensions full sets!
We offer Mega Volume Eyelash Extensions Full Set installation appointment for only $189 on special for the holidays for guests trying this type of lashes with us for the first time or if you are a returning guest after 90 days. Otherwise, if you are a returning lash client between 30 - 90 days, the Mega Volume Eyelash Extensions new full set price is on special for $209, reg. $450
What is involved in getting a full set of eyelash extensions at Glosshouz? Our eyelash extension services are performed in the Spa Retreat area in a private treatment room, and we make you nice and comfortable. You'll wait in the relax room with fireplace, then our technician will collect you and you'll discuss your desired full set eyelash extensions style. Do you want thick, black, long lash extensions, flirty wispy long lash extensions, cat eye sultry lash extensions... and so on. Do you want to try Hybrid Eyelash Extensions or Volume Eyelash Extensions, etc. Then your Lash Extensions Artist will ensure your comfort on a warmed massage table. She'll wear gloves and a mask for your comfort. Your eyelash extensions stylist will tape down your bottom lashes to protect them and will clean and prime all your lashes to prepare them for the eyelash extensions bonding process. Once you're prepped, she'll proceed to glue an individual lash strand (or cluster - for Hybrid and Volume eyelash extensions) to each of your real natural eyelashes. The sythetic eyelash extensions are from 8 mm to 17 mm and are applied one at a time using a specially formulated, semi-permanent medical grade adhesive that will not irritate the eye nor damage your natural eyelash. Glosshouz takes care to use a low-fume, advanced bonding glue that is flexible as your own natural eyelashes. Once the eyelash extensions are applied, they will look very real, except better!
How long does it take to apply eyelash extensions? Applying an initial full set of eyelash extensions will take from 90 mins to 2 hours. During this time you will be comfortably reclined on the treatment table with your eyes closed. Some people even fall asleep!
What do I need to do to prepare to get a full set of eyelash extensions? All we ask is that you come in with clean lashes with no mascara. This will save time and then we can concentrate on applying beautiful, full eyelash extensions for you during your appointment. If you do have makeup on, we can also help you remove it.
Will I get glue in my eyes? Since your eyes are shut the whole time while the eyelash extensions are being applied, no glue will get into your eye. Our technician is trained and practiced to properly apply the adhesive and eyelash extensions in a way that is completely harmless. Also, Glosshouz uses the latest technology in eyelashes and eyelash extensions adhesives that are developed to be long-lasting but emit less fumes during application for your comfort.
How often will I need to get eyelash extensions refilled and what is the upkeep price? Eyelash extensions typically last through a full growth cycle of natural eyelashes, usually about four weeks. Some people like to get them just for special occasions and some like to keep them all year long. That said, you will typically experience a few lost eyelash extensions each week with your own lashes shedding naturally according to your own lash growth cycle. Typically, we recommend eyelash extensions "Lash refills" about every 3 weeks to maintain a full look. Some like an eyelash extension refill sooner, and some like to go a bit longer. When you come back for eyelash extension refills at 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks the refill price for classics is $65, $75, $85, or $95. Hybrid and Volume Lash Fills are a bit more. However, keep in mind that our BFF Savings Program Membership provides an excellent way to save an added $20 off those lash refill prices which is the best deal!
Will my natural lashes get harmed or damaged? Eyelash extensions will not harm your own lashes. If the eyelash extensions are applied properly and to each individual natural lash, they will not damage your natural lashes. Our eyelash extensions specialists have been trained and certified in eyelash extensions application as well as safety procedures. We also wear gloves and masks for your comfort and safety.
How do I take care of my full new set of eyelash extensions? Once the new full set of eyelash extensions are applied you will need to be careful to optimally maintain them. Just following application, do not get your lashes wet for 48 hours. Do not use oil-based mascara or oil-based makeup remover or other oily products on or around your eyelash extensions. That being said, you do want to wash your eyelash extensions daily with an oil-free lash wash. This will keep your lashes sanitary and clean and oil-free from your own natural skin oils and that will actually make the eyelash extensions last the longest! Do not tug or pull on your eyelash extensions when washing them but and be sure to clean your eyelash extensions gently daily.
What type of style or full set of eyelash extensions look should I expect? Glosshouz uses a variety of eyelash extensions lengths, types and thicknesses to create an optimized and customized eyelash extensions look for each client. During your eyelash extensions appointment, you'll talk to your eyelash extensions stylist about the look you would prefer. Do you want a natural (but better) lash extensions look, a cat eye, a flirty wispy look, or a thick glamorous bat your lashes look? All of these are possibilities for an eyelash extensions full set application. Depending on your own natural lashes, you may desire Hybrid or Volume eyelash extensions full set as well. Your Eyelash Extensions Lash Artist will discuss these options with you and help you decide on which eyelash extensions style is right for you. Your own lashes quantities may also affect how many eyelash extensions you may have applied.
What if I they look terrible on me?
That's not actually happened before! But, if for any reason, you don't prefer your new eyelash extensions, we are able to remove them for you for $35. However, we could not give a refund, since we've already performed the service.
What if I have really sensitive eyes or really oily eyelids?
Sometimes clients exhibit certain characteristics which means they are not the best candidate to receive or keep eyelash extensions. One thing we're happy to do at Glosshouz, is to perform a sample application. or a sort of "patch test" for no charge! Yep. If you think you may be one of these unlucky clients, just let us know and we'll do a test to see how they fair on you. When we do the test, we'll apply 3-6 lashes on each corner of eye and you'll go home like that. If you have no adverse reactions, we can move forward to apply the whole set in your next appointment. If you want to do a "patch test", you can just book a no-charge "eyelash Extensions Consultation" appointment.
Can I exercise or swim with my new full set of eyelash extensions?
Yes! Absolutely. Your eyelash extensions are bonded with waterproof adhesive, so you are able to wash your face and lashes, swim, shower, exercise etc.
Can I wear mascara with my synthetic eyelash extensions?
In most cases, you won't need to wear mascara with your eyelash extensions, since they do give the look of already having mascara on! However, as your own eyelashes fall out toward the end of your pre-fill period, you may want to add a little mascara to your own natural lashes to make them match. In this case, ONLY wear water-based mascara on your eyelash extensions (like Mabelline pink & green bottle or other), and do not wear waterproof mascara as this may damage the bond of the eyelash extensions.
What if I have more questions or want to see the Glosshouz facility?
No problem! Give us a call to discuss any questions you may still have, or come by anytime for a "eyelash extensions consultation" no appointment needed. We're open daily, located near Park Meadows Mall next door to Ethan Allen. We're open 7 days a week!
When it comes to eyelash extensions, this is a very meticulous service and precise skill needs to be practiced with attention to detail and safety of application which is very important. Glosshouz is committed to your safety and satisfaction. This is why we've invested in training our technicians and making sure they are up to date and certified as an Eyelash Extensionists.